Spiritual Side of Me

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hard Times

Dear Lord, today i thank you for giving me another day to live. I thank you for the blessing of life and for all supplications with it that i may be able to live for the day. My mind is quite troubled by the circumstances and the pressure i experience in my work life. I feel like work is my second home because most of my time are spent there a lot. I think that there is no permanent work and that expectations are mostly not meet in the field of circular work. I don't understand myself why most often i think negatively when I know that you Oh Lord can handle all my stress and anxiety in life for you have said in your word that "Come to me all you are heavy laden and i will give you rest". I trust you with my life, teach me Lord to execute that trust in my daily work life.
I feel like this coming weeks will be my hard times in work. I just pray that your word Oh Lord shall be my strength and hope that i may be victorious in all the works of my hand. I wanted to meet the expectations of my superiors but the limited ability i have makes me feel frustrated because i'm afraid of facing failures in life. I have faced a lot of failures but you Oh Lord Jesus have always manifest your miracle in your perfect time in me. Just like what i always do Lord in surrendering my fears to you that i may always face whatever outcome of my work.
I know that you Oh Lord shall be with me always for you have no desire in putting your name in vain. Thank you Lord...In my hardest times I will remember your word and like an eagle i will soar high for you shall be my wings..